Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Um, you know how I said I was going to post the next chapter of MGD this week? Well . . . .
       Let's just say life got in the way, shall we? With Christmas coming up, my family is in full-blown panic. I have never seen so many colored lights, nervous relatives, and ginger-bread cookies strewn about. This year must just be especially exciting.
       So, in the flurry that has been my life for the past days, I haven't been able to completely write out the next chapter. Though luckily, most of it is drafted out. I just need to do some tweaking and adding before sending it off to my beta, CassandraLowery, for some editing! And then you, my greedy little deviants, will have the next chapter.
       If all goes well, the next chapter will be out before the new year. Sounds like a plan? :)


  1. so when will u update? i realy want to see Edward now!!!!!!

  2. did you do that super cool header thingy??? Show me how, k? It's gorgeous!!!

    You rock, chica!!!! :)

    --Cassandra (not that Google recognizes my pen name, anyway....)
